I haven’t written on here for a while and that’s mostly because last year was kind of crazy work-wise. More about that another time. After an insanely busy time, we managed to get away to the Scottish Highlands in December. Part of this was (my) work, more on that another time, but it was good to physically be away from the office and to get some head space from it all… even if it rained a lot. A lot. Like, three storms one after the other, COME ON MAN SCOTLAND.
Anyway, if you know me and my photographic work you’ll know that I embrace the rain and stormy skies more than I ever could with great weather, so I was pleased with a lot of the images I got. This post is not for narrative, or an update, or anything else other than just a little photo essay of my week away from the pictures I’ve had a chance to edit so far.
Hope you enjoy it!